In the name of ALLAH the most beneficent and merciful.......
There has been lot of confusion about both these brancehs of current Islam, some of these confusions being engineered by the enemies of islam, the intenion is by the grace of Allah is to clarify to my best extent the doubt about both
1. It is permissible to make invention in the method of acquiring the Deen but not in the Deen Itself......
The first and foremost doubt the peoples have that where is tableeg, tassawuf in the quran and life of prophet. The fact is that in the deen what is prohibited is that the deen inself will not be changes but with the time and change in the scenerio the methods to aquire the din will change from time to time and there is scope for invention in this.
The quran reveals us the history that whenever prophet come they restore back the peoples to the origional deen, but after his passage the peoples slowly loose the deen and finally get indulged int he shirk and other gunahs. Then again the Allah send a new Prophet and then aganin he reviews the deen.
This system was close by coming of prophet Muhammad (pbuh) , because the Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) was the last prophet, and no prophet will come after him but the problem was there. So Almighty allah gave one substitue to this system of Nabuwat i.e. Mujaddid... after every 100 years there comes a person in the ummah who reviews the deen and restores it back to the Origional form of deen.
Every Mujjadid chooses the way which fits to the peoples and situations around him and differs in methodology but the objective of all remains the same i.e. revival of origional deen. Allah gives him the vision and the mission to do this .
He faces the challanges by the well established wrong norms and traditions and is always criticised for invention in the deen. But he is firm in his conviction and knows exactly what he is doing..
I don't want to get into who are the mujjadid and who are not but want to make it clear that it is a system from almighty in substitution of the Nabuwah.., and the forms of problems and situations mostly change after 100 years and so the form of reforming method changes but never the objective to attain changes.
2. What is Tassawuf ? and Its validity....
Tassawuf can be bestly described in one scentence as," The method to prepare ones mind to follow the inner dimensions of islam."
Quran has given us the do's and don't s ( these can be divided in two categories)
a) Related to Exterior ahkam ( do's): Like Roja, Namaj, Hajj ...
b) Related to exterior ahkam (dont's): like wine,pig flesh,interest ect.
c) Related to internal ahkam ( do's): like Ikhlas,tawajo,ihsan..
d) Related to internal ahkam ( dont's): like kibr,riya,hasad,arrogance...
The good qualities are called "Akhlakh-e-fajila" and prohibited inner qualities are called "Akhlakh-e- rajila".
The Knowledge about the first two is called Ilm-e Shariyat and that of last two is called the Ilm-e- Tassawuf. Few words by Moulana Ashraf ali thanvi...
"Its function is to purify the heart from the lowly bestial attributes of lust, calamities of the tongue, anger, malice, jealousy, love of the world, love of fame, niggardliness, greed, ostentation, vanity, deception, and so on. At the same time it aims at the adornment of the heart with the lofty attributes of repentance, perseverance, gratefulness, fear of Allah, hope, abstention, Tauheed, trust, love sincerity, truth, contemplation, and so on."
As i discussed earlier in recent years with the high infulence of the western culture and with the diminishing of the Muslim empires there came a huge wave which thrown away the muslims much away from origional deen, Moulana Ilyas (R.A) was very much affectd by the scenerio and was just feeling uncomfortable about the sharply falling level of deen, he first tried the conventional methods of that time like Running a madarasa, writting books and articles etc, but was not satisfied with the level of influence he was aiming at and kind of reform he was expecting to do ( this doesnt means that madarasa and book/magazines are not effective way).
Finally with several attempts he went to Madina al Munawarrah to spend the remaing time of his life ( the thigs onwards i will not write here because these thing can not be considered as evidence). Finally he was struck of the idea of the tableeg Jamat and came back to india with great inspiration to start his work.
His main challange was towards what to call all as the ummah was divided in several groups and categories, so he found the most fundamental thigs which none of the group can reject and even christians can not reject it ( these are the six thigs of tableeg) .
4.What is view of Tableeg about Tassawuf ? Why dont they Publicily discuss it.
As per my conviction Ulema at tableeg believe that tassawuf is the best way to achieve the inner beauty and Moulana Ilyas, Moulana Yusuf ....... and so on were the followers of Tassawuf. What prohibits them about publically speaking about tassawuf is their basic objective " To bring all Ummah on One platform of commonly agreeable points and to avoid the division/ groupism in Ummah" they dont want to get indulged in the what is right and wrong about tassawuf and discussing publically about tassawuf may cause some peoples run away from tableeg because lot of peoples have confusion about tassawuf .
Further as per my conviction Tassawuf is advanced branch of Islam and objectives of Tableeg is restoration of fundamentals of islam. It is believed that by the passage of time the branches like tajweed, fiqh, jurispindance, tassawuf, ilm hadith ect evolved with time and all are haqq but tableeg deals with restoration of minimum agreeable basics of islam. Hence due to this limitation tableegi ulema dont stress neither prohibit tassawuf. One major element of tassawuf, Jikr is already added in the 6 points of islam.
The third point of tableeg "ILM AND JIKR" when elaborated seems that the first part ILM relates to ilm of shariat ( external dimensions of islam) and th word jikr is symbol of ilm-e- tassawuf( Internal dimension of islam).
As per my conviction tassawuf is optional to those who are willing to achieve the higher ranks in the divine service. Hence it is not publically discussed in tableeg, even the ilm related to fiqh is not discussed publically in tableeg, this doesnt implies that tableeg does not endorse the fiqh but the reason of avoiding the public discussing is to "Avoid the confusion and grouping among the ummah, and to bring ummah on common agreeable points"
5.What is view of tassawuf about tableeg ?
As per my convictions the Sufi Zulfikar Ahmed publically endorses the tableeg by using quotes from them because he has no such limitation that tableeg has. He is running the advance branch of islam. The one who wants to seek him can go to him and get studentship and purify his heart, and the final aim of tassawuf is to develop the inner strength to follow the islam totally.
It is the different level of working and running services, my amir explained me the difference between tableeg, madaris and khankah,
The example of Madaras and Khankah is like well, the one who is thirsty will have to find it when reaches there will get benefited by it, but tableeg is like the rain which falls on the doors of everyone whoever needs it or doesnot needs it. "Tableeg believes that ummat is not in the state of coming to din so let din be taken to them." and make them aware of it. The area of influence of all three is different. But it should be always remembered that the promise of allah is with din and not the method adopted for aquiring the din so none of the three is work of lower rank or higher rank, so whoever achieves the objectives of din through either tableeg, khankah or madarasa, it is the aamal e swaliha that will yield the results and not the method adopted.
Another example of the daawat,madarasa and khankah is like one has to construct a home he will need basic matrials and foundations first this is provided by tableeg, when he completes the structure ( which will prevent him from rain and sun) , the second thing is protection and painting the building this is provided by madarasa which provides the ilm to maintain the structure and keep it well painted from outside, then he will need interioro decoration to make his home beautiful from inside, for this he will need the intreior decoration consultant this is provided by khankah......!!!